Keenan Hand Dyed Yarn

July Color of the Month - Mermaid Hair

You find yourself below the surface of the water and a mermaid is in front of you. Her hair is floating about her and the sunlight reaching down from the surface reveals different colors and you find yourself thinking...Dang, I wish I had yarn like that! Well, look no further! 
With teals, blues, pinks, and a light speckling of dark green and pink, how can you possibly resist?

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June Color of the Month - Lust for Life

Last year I was asked to create a special color inspired by Michigan for ...have you any wool? yarn shop. Since I'm not a Michigan native, I didn't have any core childhood memories associated with Michigan foods, places, or musicians to help me out - until I discovered that Iggy Pop is from Michigan. I asked if I could do "Lust for Life" because it was a favorite song back in my college days - thanks to the movie Trainspotting reviving the song.

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May Color of the Month - Uisce

Uisce (ish-ka) is the Irish word for water. And there is plenty of water inspiration in the Upper Peninsula when you are surrounded by the largest fresh water system on the planet.

This is a beautiful colorways with multiple blues that shouldn't produce color pooling.

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green, orange, and white crocheted amigurumi dinosaur

Crochetasaurus Rex

This project has been in the making since June 2023 and I'm so delighted it's complete!
Ashley, from The Loopy Lamb, designed Crochetasaurus Rex especially for amigurumi novices, like myself, using hand dyed Highland Wool from Keenan Hand Dyed Yarn.

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New Pattern & Yarn Bundle

The Dragon Riders Cowl by Tanis Gray in Keenan Hand Dyed Yarn is inspired by the Empyrean Series. Be sure to get this knit up before mounting your dragon!

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Our Girl Felice!

Keenan Hand Dyed Yarn's cute logo girl, Felice, was designed by my awesome niece, Maeve.

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